Artist to Icon: Cher

Very few people become a star. Fewer still achieve iconic status. So just how do they do it? Artist to Icon goes beyond the constraints of the velvet rope to reveal some of the most extraordinary rises to fame the world has ever seen.
  • Artist to Icon S01 E05 - Cher

    Very few people become a star. Fewer still achieve iconic status. So just how do they do it? Artist to Icon goes beyond the constraints of the velvet rope to reveal some of the most extraordinary rises to fame the world has ever seen.

  • Celebrity Conversations S02 E06 - Ian McKellen

    Film critic David Poland sits down with the biggest names in entertainment for an in-depth conversation about their art, craft and life. Tonight, David talks to Ian McKellen.

  • Celebrity Conversations S02 E04 - Jane Fonda & Lily Tomlin

    Film critic David Poland sits down with the biggest names in entertainment for an in-depth conversation about their art, craft and life. Tonight, David talks to Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin

  • Celebrity Conversations S01 E10 - Lily Tomlin

    Film critic David Poland sits down with the biggest names in entertainment for an in-depth conversation about their art, craft and life. Tonight, David talks to Lily Tomlin.

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